What is Together with Tenants?
Together with Tenants is a sector-wide initiative focused on strengthening the relationship between tenants and housing providers.
The Together with Tenants plan
We have adopted the Together with Tenants charter, which has been introduced by the National Housing Federation (NHF) following the tragedy of the Grenfell Tower fire in 2017. Since then the government has spoken to lots of residents to understand how people feel about their housing association, and what change needs to happen.
One of the main themes that came out of these conversations was that residents felt that they weren’t listened to enough by their housing association. So together with the government, the National Housing Federation (NHF), which most housing associations like SLH are members of, created the Together with Tenants initiative in 2018 with the aim of improving this.
By signing up to the charter, we’re committing to the following six pledges:
- Relationships: We will treat you with respect in all our interactions. Relationships between us will be based on openness, honesty and transparency.
- Communication: You will receive clear, accessible and timely information from us on the issues that matter to you, including important information about your homes and local community, how the organisation is working to address problems, how the organisation is run, and information about performance on key issues.
- Voice and influence: We will seek and value your views and will use this information to inform decisions. Every individual will feel listened to on the issues that matter to them and can speak without fear.
- Accountability: Collectively, you will work in partnership with us to independently scrutinise and hold SLH to account for the decisions that affect the quality of your homes and services.
- Quality: Residents can expect their homes to be of good quality, well maintained, safe and well managed.
- When things go wrong: You will have simple and accessible routes for raising issues, making complaints and seeking redress. You will receive timely advice and support when things go wrong.
To find out more and get involved, please contact us using the Get in Touch form below.
Visit our office
Call into our office or write to us:
South Liverpool Homes
Conleach Road
L24 0TY