As a Registered Provider of Social Housing, South Liverpool Homes is classified as a Body Governed by Public Law, which means that we are subject to Public Sector procurement legislation.
When buying goods and services, we will conduct ourselves in an ethical, sustainable and legal manner, complying with all relevant legislation and our own governance processes, with particular emphasis on ensuring that:
- our supply chain shares our values and behaves accordingly, especially in relation to social issues such as slavery, forced labour and human trafficking and strict compliance with the criminal finances act 2017, the bribery act 2010 and the money laundering act 2022.
- our spend maximises value for money and minimises environmental impact.
- where permitted and practical, we give preference to contractors based in the communities where we have homes.
- we follow strict probity arrangements, to ensure that any conflicts of interests are managed appropriately, when contracts are awarded.
When we have an opportunity for providers to work with us, it will be advertised on the Contracts Finder website and if applicable the Find a Tender service website.