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Helping you save money on your utility bills

SLH has a free service which helps tenants reduce their fuel costs with the help of our Benefits and Energy Advice team.

The service is available to tenants who are worried about paying their energy bills. The advisors will visit you in your home to provide advice on energy tariffs, support the switch to more cost effective tariffs, apply for warm home discounts and complete a survey to understand the use of energy within your home.

Helping you make the switch

Get help and advice on switching to more cost-effective gas and electricity tariffs. 

Understand your energy use

We will complete a survey with you to help understand your energy use in the home. 

Grants and discounts

We will help you apply for warm home discounts and other grants. 

Tips from our money-saving experts!

Here's a range of little things you can do that will add up to a big difference in your pocket.

Switch to a credit meter

Switch to a credit meter

Making the switch from a pre-payment meter to a credit meter means your household will pay a set amount each month for your energy usage. Usually, the cheaper tariffs can be found on a credit meter and providing you have no debt; most energy suppliers will switch you to a credit meter for free. Getting a smart meter at the same time also allows you to monitor your energy use. 

Switch to a water meter

Switch to a water meter

You may be able to save money by switching to a water meter. United Utilities have a policy called Lowest Bill Guarantee. This means they compare your meter charges against what you would have paid on your old value bill and always charge you the lower amount.

Warm Home Discount Scheme

Check if you are eligible for the Warm Home Discount Scheme

If you’re on a low income or get the guaranteed credit element of pension credit, you could be eligible for a one-off discount on your electricity bill between October and March. The scheme is only open to applications at specific times of the year so go to www.gov.uk for more information.

Wash your clothes at 30 degrees

Wash your clothes at 30 degrees

Modern detergents are designed to work at lower temperatures, which will save you money on electricity, be kinder on the environment and kinder on your clothes too!

Set your heating to 18-21C

Set your heating to 18-21 degrees

The Energy Saving Trust recommends that, during the winter, you should set your central heating thermostat to between 18 and 21C for the best balance between comfort and money saving. Keeping your home a steady, warm temperature will also help keep condensation at bay. 

Avoid using tumble driers

Avoid using tumble driers

Whenever you can, unplug the drier and dry your clothes outside. In bad weather you can use clothes maidens to dry indoors. Don't put clothes over radiators though, it will impair their performance. Make sure you open windows when drying clothes indoors to limit condensation. 

Switch to energy-saving lightbulbs

Switch to energy-saving lightbulbs

Energy saving lightbulbs are commonplace now but you may still have old filament style bulbs lurking in your home. Energy-saving bulbs can save up to 80% on your lighting costs and can last up to 10 years. 

Switch off uneccessary devices at the plug

Switch unused devices/appliances off at the plug

This little tip is one of the most overlooked, but most appliances still use electricity when on stand-by and not in use. TVs, phone chargers and games consoles are just three items that use a lot of electricity even when not in use, so hit that switch!

Switch off unnecessary lights

Turn off unnecessary lights

This one might seem obvious, but how many times do you leave a light on when you leave the room? Leaving just one light on overnight could cost you £23 per year all by itself!

The Benefits and Energy Advice team

Our in-house team is here to help you save money on your bills. They can also help you with your benefit claims too!

  • Debbie O'Hare - Community Services Manager
  • Carl Grant - Community Energy and Welfare Officer
  • Kris Karaski - Community Energy and Welfare Officer
  • Paul Black - Community Energy and Welfare Officer

If you would like to benefit from the service please get in touch and someone will come out to visit you in your home.

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© 2025 South Liverpool Homes

South Liverpool Homes Limited is a charitable Community Benefit Society registered with the Financial Conduct Authority No.31210R and registered with the Regulator of Social Housing L4230. Registered office as above.

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