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Swapping your home

Here you can find out everything you need to know about swapping your home; whether that's within Speke and Garston or swapping your home with a tenant in different part of the city or country.

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Swapping your home

If you'd like to move to another socially-rented home, the easiest way is to swap with someone else. This is called a mutual exchange. The person you swap with must live in one of our homes, or a home belonging to another housing association or local council in England. You must have a secure or assured tenancy to swap homes.

If you find someone to swap with it, is important you seek our permission first otherwise it will be an unlawful exchange

Where can I find homes to swap with?


We've registered with Homeswapper, the UK's mutual exchange platform for social housing. It’s great for existing tenants who are looking for a new house to find a suitable home. It’s free to register, sign up and select South Liverpool Homes as your landlord. The website has over 400,000 registered users across the UK.  

How it works

It’s simple to use – upload information about the home you’ve got and the home you want and Homeswapper will do the hard work for you. The website will find possible matches for you, based on your criteria.  

Your post should include:

  • Images of your home
  • Home location (street name and district only, do not disclose your house number)
  • Number of bedrooms
  • Your weekly rent
  • A short description of the home
  • Details of the type and location of home you’re looking for

You can register via the Homeswapper website HomeSwapper.

SLH mutual exchange register 

If you are a tenant and are looking to move to another home we will hold your details and will be actively looking to see if we can match you with other tenants.  We will only connect you to someone else when we have all parties' permission. 


Speak to others in the community, you will be surprised how word of mouth can help you find a suitable match. But remember to get our permission first!

What happens when I've found a swap?

Once you've found someone to swap with, let us know.

  • We will give you information on the process so you are happy swapping homes if the exchange is right for you.
  • We will need to inspect your home and complete some checks with the other party (and their landlord if they are not an SLH tenant).

Your exchange may be refused if:

  • You owe us rent
  • We have begun possession proceedings
  • The property being exchanged does not meet the needs of one or both parties e.g too small or medically-adapted for a disabled person
  • You have a starter tenancy

Ready to swap?

Please complete the application form below. Alternatively contact us on 0330 303 3000 option 3 or get in touch. 

Mutual exchange application form

Please complete this form if you have found someone to exchange your home with.

Upon receipt of the form, a member of our Neighbourhood Services Team will contact you to discuss your request. Once further checks have been carried out we will aim to approve or refuse your exchange in writing within 42 days however we will always aim to process the application in less time, so it is important you allow access to your home and are prompt with any requests for information, or to complete any agreed works on your home.

Your details

Your current home

Household members

Tell us about who lives with you

Household member 1

Household member 2

Household member 3

Household member 4

Your exchange

Privacy policy

By clicking the submit button I agree that SLH will process and store this data, including the details of the person with which you wish to exchange, in accordance with the privacy policy.


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© 2025 South Liverpool Homes

South Liverpool Homes Limited is a charitable Community Benefit Society registered with the Financial Conduct Authority No.31210R and registered with the Regulator of Social Housing L4230. Registered office as above.

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