About your rent
By signing your tenancy agreement you agree to pay your weekly rent and other charges in advance, rather than in arrears. There are no circumstances where you should not pay your rent and other charges, as failure to pay is putting your home at risk. This page explains how your rent is set, changes to your rent and what your rent pays for.
How do we set your rent?
SLH set your rent in line with national guidelines to make sure that all housing providers set their rent in the same way.
This is to make sure that rents stay affordable and that people living in the same type of home in the same area pay similar rent. This is called target rents.
Will your rent change each year?
Like the cost of many things, your rent may change from time to time to keep up with inflation. Your rent is reviewed each year in line with your tenancy agreement. SLH will notify you in writing 28 days before the new rent is set.
Accompanying this letter will be a Notice of Increase which is a legal notification which will state what your current rent is and what it will be changing to. It will include any service and support charges.
Keep on top of your rent account
There are a number of ways that you can keep on top of your rent account.
Paying your rent upfront will prevent you from falling into arrears and will help to keep your account in credit at all times. And if you experience any financial difficulties this will help ensure your home is not at risk.
And remember you can view your rent statement at any time using mySLH, allowing you to keep on top of your payments.
What does your rent pay for?
Your rent and charges pay for the services that we provide to you such as improvements to your home and maintaining the area where you live. If you do not pay your rent then we cannot provide these services. If you are struggling to pay your rent, please get in touch using the form below immediately so that we can offer you advice and support.
Visit our office
Call into our office or write to us:
South Liverpool Homes
Conleach Road
L24 0TY