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Helping to protect your neighbourhood

SLH has a dedicated Community Safety team to help protect our neighbourhoods by dealing with anti-social behaviour (ASB) and community safety issues.

What is ASB?

Anti-social behaviour is acting in a way that can cause harassment, alarm or distress to any person (ASB Crime and Policing Act 2014). 

Examples of ASB include:

  • Harassments of all types, including incidents of hate crime
  • Vandalism, graffiti or fly tipping
  • Noise nuisance
  • Intimidating or threatening behaviour
  • Verbal abuse
  • Racial harassment
  • Vehicle crime
  • Firework misuse
  • Yobbish behaviour and intimidating groups

You can read more about our ASB Policy here.

How to report ASB

You can report ASB onlineYou can also report ASB over the phone by calling us on 0330 303 3000, in person at our office or to one of our colleagues, by email at info@southliverpoolhomes.co.uk or by direct message on social media. 

What happens when you report ASB?

When you report ASB a member of the Community Safety team will contact you within one working day to discuss your report. Your community safety officer dealing with your report will then arrange an interview with you, which will take place either at our office or your home address, in order to obtain further details regarding your report.

In serious cases of ASB, hate crime or domestic abuse, we will interview you within one working day. We have a range of legal tools we can use in serious cases to protect customers who are at risk of harm and your community safety officer will discuss these legal options with you.

At the initial interview your community safety officer will discuss the options available to resolve your issues and complete an action plan with you. This action plan will vary depending on the nature of your report but will include an agreement on how often you will be contacted by the Community Safety team and what action we will take to investigate your complaint.

Your Community Safety officer may need your help to gather evidence of the ASB that you are suffering. This could include completing neighbour nuisance diaries detailing the incidents through the ASB app. If you don’t feel comfortable using the ASB app then we will agree on another option with you during your initial interview. Your community safety officer will develop an action plan that you are comfortable with and will keep you updated on a regular basis on what action has been taken. 

Your community safety officer will liaise with other agencies and organisations on your behalf if appropriate to ensure that you are provided with any support you may require. 

ASB case review

The ASB case review process has been put in place by the government to give victims of ASB reassurance that their case is being dealt with effectively by the lead agency. 

A case review can be activated by any customer who has reported ASB to SLH. You can ask for your case to be reviewed by other agencies including Liverpool City Council, Merseyside Police, Merseyside Fire & Rescue Service and other housing providers to ensure it has been thoroughly investigated and appropriate action has been taken. This enables us to work together to try and resolve your case.    

Where the case review criteria are met, the partnership will consider how the complaints have been dealt with and whether agencies have followed their own processes for dealing with your complaints. 

Your case must meet the following criteria to activate an ASB case review:  

  • For a hate crime or incident – you must already have complained to SLH, Liverpool City Council or Merseyside Police at least once in the past six months.
  • For other types of anti-social behaviour – you must already have complained to SLH, Liverpool City Council and/or Merseyside Police at least three times about separate instances of the anti-social behaviour in the past six months. Alternatively, five people in the local community must have complained about similar incidents in the last six months.

If you feel your case meets the above criteria and you would like to request an ASB case review, please visit Liverpool City Council’s website or contact a member of our Community Safety Team on 0330 303 3000 and they will be able to assist you with the application.


I am not an SLH tenant. Can I still report ASB to you?

If the person causing the ASB is an SLH tenant, we can still investigate your report and take action to resolve the issues you are having.

If the person causing the trouble is not an SLH tenant then we may not be the most appropriate agency to lead the investigation. However, you can still contact us and we will be able to offer you advice and refer you to other agencies, if appropriate.

The person I am reporting is not an SLH tenant. Can I still report the ASB to you?

If you are a tenant then you can still report the ASB to us. We will lead the investigation and take action to resolve your issues.

Can I report anonymously?

We understand why you might wish to report ASB anonymously, however this will limit the action SLH can take. We will be unable to get further information from you or find out whether the situation has improved once we have taken our initial action.

We treat all cases in confidence and agree an action and support plan with all customers who report ASB.

If you are willing to provide us with your name, address and contact number this will greatly improve the chances of us successfully resolving your issue. At our initial meeting, we will agree whether you would like to remain anonymous or whether you are happy to be identified. We would never identify a witness to the alleged offender without your consent.

If I complain, will my neighbour be evicted? I don’t want to get them into trouble.

We will only seek to evict tenants as a last resort or in extremely serious cases.

We aim to resolve any issues of ASB through education and support. We have a range of ways to assist alleged offenders through other legal remedies, such as civil Injunctions. All proposed actions will be discussed and agreed with you in advance.

Further information


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South Liverpool Homes Limited is a charitable Community Benefit Society registered with the Financial Conduct Authority No.31210R and registered with the Regulator of Social Housing L4230. Registered office as above.

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