Support for witnesses and perpetrators
We offer support to both witnesses of ASB and perpetrators because we recognise that not all ASB is caused deliberately.
Support for witnesses
We aim to protect your neighbourhoods by taking legal action against anyone who is a threat to others, or who has refused to stop acting anti-socially.
As a witness to ASB you can help us take legal action against the perpetrators. We will provide intensive support throughout the court case in a variety of ways such as:
- Regular telephone calls or home visits from a dedicated Community Safety officer
- Arranging pre-trial visits to the courts to familiarise you with the court and what will happen during the trial
- Arranging transport to and from the court on the day of the trial
- Providing a dedicated officer to remain with you throughout your court visit
- Working closely with external agencies such as Merseyside Police to ensure you have adequate support
Support for perpetrators
Not all nuisance and ASB is caused deliberately and there can often be many different reasons why a person or a group of people act in an anti-social way. For example there may be health reasons or personal reasons affecting that person’s behaviour.
We only take legal action against those people who cause ASB as a last resort. From an early stage in an investigation our dedicated officers will try to determine whether those causing ASB need support or intervention to change their behaviour. If support needs are identified then we will work with that individual to assist them to change their behaviour and to stop causing a nuisance to others.
Examples of how we may support perpetrators of ASB to change their behaviour are as follows:
- Referral to a variety of dedicated support agencies such as drug or alcohol support services or health services
- Agree an Acceptable Behaviour Contract (ABC) or Good Neighbour Agreement (GNA) to agree what type of behaviour is not acceptable
We also work alongside schools and local youth services to highlight issues of ASB in the area and to educate people about how ASB can affect communities.
If you would like any further information on how we support those causing anti-social behaviour please get in touch.