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All you need to know about your tenancy

As a tenant of SLH, regardless of the type of tenancy you have, your responsibilities and obligations as a tenant with regard to managing your tenancy, family and visitors remain the same. 

SLH take all aspects of being a good tenant and neighbour seriously. If you do not conduct your tenancy in an acceptable way SLH can take action to end your tenancy, regardless of the type of agreement you have. SLH has three main types of tenancy:

Starter Tenancy

Generally, all new SLH tenants are placed on a Starter Tenancy Agreement. This is, in effect, a 12-month probationary tenancy which enables SLH to make sure you settle into your new home and that any difficulties that may be encountered at the property can be highlighted at an early stage and addressed.

During this first year, your Neighbourhood Management Officer will visit you at one month, six months and then finally at nine months. All tenants who conduct their Starter Tenancy in an appropriate and responsible manner have their tenancy converted to an Assured Tenancy after a twelve month period. This does allow you some additional rights under the terms of your agreement such as enabling you, subject to our permission, to carry out alterations/improvements to your home. However as a Starter Tenant you are not eligible to purchase your home. Read more about our Starter Tenancy Policy here.

Assured Tenancy

After the Starter Tenancy period has ended you will become an Assured Tenant. Anyone who is an existing tenant of SLH and who is already on an Assured Tenancy will remain on this type of tenancy agreement, even if you move to another property within our Speke and Garston neighbourhoods.

As a tenant on an Assured Tenancy, you would not qualify for the Right to Buy, but may be able to be eligible for the Right to Acquire.

Assured Protected Tenancy

All tenants who were previously tenants of Liverpool City Council when the homes were transferred to the management of SLH, which took place on 4 October 1999, will be on Protected Assured Tenancy Agreements. This agreement allowed existing tenants to retain the rights they had with Liverpool City Council when the homes transferred. This agreement is similar to an Assured agreement but you will have the Right to Buy your home as a condition of this agreement.

If you would like more details about the type of agreement you are on or the type of agreement you would be on if you obtained a home with us please get in touch with us

Tenancy Fraud

Tenancy fraud happens when someone is living in an SLH home but they are not entitled to it. Find out more.

Home Ownership

Alongside our properties available for affordable rent, we also have properties available through affordable home ownership schemes including Rent to Buy and Shared Ownership.

Find out more about Home Ownership 

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© 2025 South Liverpool Homes

South Liverpool Homes Limited is a charitable Community Benefit Society registered with the Financial Conduct Authority No.31210R and registered with the Regulator of Social Housing L4230. Registered office as above.

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