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You spoke, we listened: ‘Popping up in your neighbourhood’ community events

Published: 8 January 2025 

Your feedback, our action. Here’s an update on the improvements we’ve made to our services, based on your feedback. 

In October 2024 we hosted three community events across Speke and Garston and invited you along to help us shape our services.  

We asked you to take part in three short surveys so that we could gather your views on our customer standards, getting involved with SLH and the environment. 

276 people completed all three surveys and we have used what you told us to influence our decision making. Here are some of the actions we've taken in response to what you told us. 

Customer standards 

We aim to provide you with the best service we can and hearing what you think about our services, good or bad, is really important. 

You said
We asked what is more important to you; having your call answered quickly or having your enquiry resolved when you get through to us? 91% of you told us that having your query resolved when you get through on the phone is more important than having your call answered quickly.  

We did 
As a direct response, we are reviewing our
call handling targets for 2025/26 to ensure we meet your expectations. 

It’s important that we improve the quality of our calls. We have implemented a new call monitoring programme where we evaluate calls on a regular basis to enhance the customer service experience you receive from us. 

We are also working on a new project so that we can resolve more of your queries the first time you contact us. This involves upskilling the customer services team so that they have all the information they need to deal with the range of queries that come through. This will reduce the need to have someone call you back, helping us to resolve your query quicker. 

You said 
You told us your preferred method of contact was telephone. You also told us that you would like to be able to contact us via text message or WhatsApp.

We did
We have now activated WhatsApp as an alternative digital communication channel. To use this service, visit our Get in touch page here.  

Customer voice

We had a fantastic response from those of you wishing to get more involved with SLH and your communities.

You said 
72% of you are aware of the different ways you can get involved with SLH to improve and develop our services. 62% of you are interested in being informed about future opportunities to help shape services. 

We did
We have contacted everyone who expressed an interest to see how they want to get involved and give them more information about the range of opportunities to have their say. We have a regular Get Involved e-newsletter which customers can sign up to receive in their inbox each month. You can sign up to this here.  

You said
You told us that online and telephone surveys are the ways you would like to get involved with us the most. Face-to-face sessions, both in the community and at our offices, are also popular.  

We did
We have set up SLH Influencers - an informal group which allows you to give your views and feedback on SLH communications, entirely through surveys and emails. We will also give you the choice of carrying out surveys online as well as in person as much as possible. 

It is good to hear that you like to get involved and influence our services face-to-face so we will continue to deliver focus groups in person and carry out community events. These are a fantastic way to share your views and talk to us and partner organisations. We provide guidance and support on things like community safety and wellbeing, and there are fun family activities, entertainment, and games to enjoy too. Look out for our ‘Popping up in your neighbourhood’ events throughout 2025. 


Our Environmental Services team is responsible for maintaining your internal and external communal areas and green spaces. 

You said 
We asked you about your expectations of the removal of fly tipping on SLH land. 85% of you said that you are happy with our five-day timescale to remove fly tipping.

We will
We will continue to remove flytipping within these timescales and measure our performance. Any hazardous waste will be removed as a priority. 

You said 
26% of you told us you want to get involved in environmental volunteering and are interested in horticulture and gardening. 

We did 
We are hosting an open day at our community garden, Grow Speke, for the next Level 1 Introduction to Horticulture course on Thursday 30 January, 1pm-3pm. This event is open to anyone aged 18+. Simply register to attend by emailing
getinvolved@southliverpoolhomes.co.uk. If the course isn’t for you, you can pop down to Grow Speke at any time and help with the upkeep of the garden. 

You said 
44% of you expressed interest in taking part in our regular community clean ups, while concerns about fly tipping, the condition of roads and streetlights were also noted by 43% of customers.   

We do
Our neighbourhood management officers carry out monthly inspections across all the communities we serve. We carry out these inspections to monitor the appearance and upkeep of the places where you live and report any concerns to the relevant teams at SLH or to Liverpool City Council.  

If you'd like to join one of our future inspections, please check the meeting place listed on our website. We look forward to seeing you there!   

We will continue to work alongside local stakeholders to deliver skip days, clean-up events, and maintain our proactive approach to fly tipping prevention and removal. 

You said 
You were concerned about the lack of greenspaces across the neighbouroods.

We will 
We will develop a Green Space strategy in 2025, working alongside key stakeholders and customers to help us deliver the strategy. We will also access UK Shared Prosperity Fund (UKSPF) funding to improve the existing greenspaces in our neighbourhoods.

CEO for the day 

We asked if you were the chief executive of South Liverpool Homes for the day, what changes or enhancements you would make to our communities.  

You said 
You told us that your priority would be increasing the number of facilities available for children and young people.  

We did
We have created The South Liverpool Homes Community Fund, launching early 2025. This will enable local organisations to bid for funding to run projects that can include activities or groups for children and young people.  

We have recently funded a three-month outreach project in Garston, with the aim to engage young people in positive activities, developing a sense of pride and respect within their community and to build positive relationships, reducing anti-social behaviour and gang culture.  

We are also providing funding  for the next three years to Speke Adventure Playground to help them continue to run events and activities for young people in the area.  We will continue to provide funding to Garston Adventure playground for their seasonal events. 

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